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Season of Death:
Scorpius attempts to kill Tocot (Die Me Dichotomy) and takes the chip successfully removed from Johns mind. He leaves John to live. Grunchlk releases a Scarran from stasis when Scorpius betrays their deal. Zhaan restors Aeryns life with Starks "help". Chiana and Jothee have an afair.
David Franklin: Lt. Braca 
Matt Newton:  Jothee 
Hugh Keays-Byrne:  Grunchlk 
Thomas Holesgrove:  Diagnosan Tocot/Plonek 
Aaron Catalan:  Officer Kobrin 
Writer:  Richard Manning 
Director:  Ian Watson

Suns and Lovers:
The unstable planet crumbles around the crew, some of the locals believing it is the anger of their Gods for buying and selling in the "Sacred Stillness". Aeryn tries to rescue some children caught in the lower levels while Borlik is caught as the culprit. Using one of the cryogen cells of the geneticly related donors John has taken with him (Die Me Dichotomy) they capture Borlik and toss her out into space to keep the next storm from hitting the planet. D'Argo discovers Chiana and Jothees affair.
Matt Newton:  Jothee 
Thomas Holesgrove:  Moordil 
Leanna Walsmann:  Borlik Borlik 
Jessica Fallico:  Alien Girl 
David Lucas:  Cryoman
Writer:  Justin Monjo 
Director:  Andrew Prowse
Self Inflicted Wounds1; Should'a, Would'a, Could'a:
A wormhole apears and a craft collides with Moya, impailing her. The cryonicly suspended donor (Die Me Dichotomy) "Jool", awakens. The wormhole travelors, the Pathfinders and the crew struggle between chosing which ship should survive in the attempt to pull the ships apart. Moya is dying rapidly.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool 
Victoria Longley:
Nicholas Hope:  Kreetago 
Dwayne Fernandez:  Cresto 
Kerith Atkinson:  Shreena 
Brian Carbee:  Lastren 
Writer:  David Kemper 
Director:  Tony Tilse

Self Inflicted Wounds2; Wait for the Wheel:
The Pathfinders attempt to sabotage Moya for their ship to be selected. A wormhole serpant invades the ship. Zhaan sacrifices herself to save Moya over the Pathfinders efforts to destroy her and save their own.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool 
Victoria Longley:  Neeyala 
Nicholas Hope:  Kreetago 
Dwayne Fernandez:  Cresto 
Kerith Atkinson:  Shreena 
Brian Carbee:  Lastren
Writer:  David Kemper 
Director:  Tony Tilse
Different Destinations:
The crew comes to a planet that holds a memorial for Jacacean nurses who died during a war. The crew gets stuck in the time line of the past events while Chiana witnesses the planetary changes to all their attempts not to distrupt the orgional outcome and return to their own time.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool
Lucy Bell:  Nurse Kelsa 
Basia A'hern:  Cyntrina 
Marshall Napier:  General Grynes
Dan Spielman:   Sub-Officer Dacon 
Terry Serio:  Colonel Lennok 
Alan Cinis:  Officer Tarn 
Writer:  Steve Worland 
Director:  Peter Andrikidis
Eat Me:
John, D'Argo, Chiana and Jool come up on a deteriorating Leviathan they had mistaken for Moya. Aparently it is a Peacekeeper transport for the criminaly insane the Scarrans attacked. Remaining on board is Kaarvoc with his cloning gauntlet and canibal crew, "Xarai". In the meantime Aeryn boards Talyn who is seriously wounded as well as Crais.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool 
Shane Briant:  Kaarvok 
Lisa Griffiths:  Belima 
Writer:  Matt Ford 
Director:  Ian Watson

Thanks for Sharing:
The crew and thier newest member, Johns clone (Eat Me) come to a planet in search of Chromextim for Talyns healing. Bad impressions first, Security Director Rinic Tolven gets his butt kicked by D'Argo for being rude to Chiana and their trade is denied. While John tries to keep the deal and out of the local politics Crais reveals to Aeryn a chip of her mother.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool 
Rebecca Gibney:  Sarova 
Robert Brunning:  Pralanoth 
Sandy Winton:  Tolven 
Linda Cropper:  Xhalax Sun 
Julianne Newbould:  Felor 
Hunter Perske:  Bloy 
Writer:  Clayvon C. Harris 
Director:  Ian Barry
Green Eyed Monster:
One of the two Johns (Green T)  goes with Aeryn and Crais aboard Talyn. While Stark and Rygel are out on a transport pod, Talyn is swallowed by a Budong. Crais offers Aeryn an extension of his command with Talyn. Talyn tries to boot John who discovers Crais relationship with Talyn has some very serious drawbacks.
Writer:  Ben Browder 
Director:  Tony Tilse

Losing Time:
Aboard Moya John (Black T) experiences a stigmata and asks the crew to watch him when he is suspicious of losing time. The Drd recording reveals that they have all lost time where they experienced spasms. They go to Pilot discovering he is possessed by the entity, Talip who is looking for a young Energy Rider hiding in one of them. It turns out to be Chiana.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool
David Franklin:  Lt. Braca 
Jo Kerrigan:  Linfer 
Danny Adcock:  Co-Kura Strappa 
Ian Bliss:  PK Scientist Drillic 
Tux Akindoyeni:  PK Pilot Rinon
Writer:  Justin Monjo 
Director:  Catherine Millar
The crew of Talyn end up in a survivalist situation against Xhalax, Aeryns mother who is leading the retrieval squad that has forced Talyn to hide on a jungle planet.
Linda Cropper:  Xhalax Sun  
Thomas Holesgrove:  Vek 
Dominique Sweeney:  Thek and Kek
Writer:  Rockne S. O'Bannon 
Director:  Peter Andrikidis
Sorpius tries to convince the psyche imprint of John on the neuro chip (Die Me Dichotomy) to help him unlock the wormhole technology it contains. Relgaraian, Linifer passes through a wormhole in Scorpies project and comes to Moya to warn them that Scorp is still alive (Liars, Guns and Money Plan B)
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool  
David Franklin:  Lt. Braca 
Amy Salas:  Tauza 
Evan Sheaves:  Child Scorpius 
Stephanie Jacobsen:   Nurse Froy 
Paul Shedlowich:  Plint 
Jo Kerrigan:  Linfer
Danny Adcock:  Co-Kura Strappa 
Thomas Holesgrove:  Wolesh 
Sam Healy:  Rylani Jeema 
Nicholas Bishop:  Ghebb Dellos 
William Zappa:  Captain Molayne 
Writer:  Richard Manning 
Director:  Ian Watson
Talyn is drawn towards a sun, nearly to his death. He joins Stark into the Pilot Den who tries to lead him back to rescue the spirit of Sierjna from the grasp of Mu-Quillus. Talyns drexim (adrenaline) leak causes the crew to behave strangely.
Susan Lyons:  Sierjna 
Mark Mitchell:  Mu-Quillus 
Linda Cropper:  Xhalax Sun 
Writer:  Matt Ford 
Director:  Ian Barry
Scratch and Sniff:
On Moya, John "Black T" (Eat Me) tries to explain to Pilot why they are back from their "mandatory" vacation on the pleasure planet so early. Freslin turns out to be made by draining the senil gland of sentient beings such as Chiana and Jool whom Fe'Tor uses just for that and then tries to auction Chiana off.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool  
Francesca Buller:  Raxil 
Tamblyn Lord:  Fe'Tor 
Laura Keneally:  Theiadh 
Anthony Martin:  Mitols 
Milan Keyser:  Sarl 
Jaye Paul:  Heska Tinaco
Julia Trappe:  Blue Girl 
Rachel Sheriff:  Green Girl 
Writer:  Lily Taylor 
Director:  Tony Tilse
Infinite Possibilities1; Daedalus Demands:
Jack, the Ancient (A Human Reaction) pays John "Green T" aboard Talyn a visit, greatly upset by a future possibility where a Charrid is flying Johns module. The only one John can think of who would have such a thing besides Scorpius is Furlow (Till the Blood Runs Clear). He is correct and a Scarren dreadgnaught is on its way to take the info away from Furlow. Jack attempts to free John of Harvey (Won't Get Fooled Again) and unlock his wormhole knowledge.
Kent McCord:  Jack Crichton 
Magda Szubanski:  Furlow 
Thomas Holesgrove:  Alcar 
Patrick Ward:  Zylar 
Writer:  Carleton Eastlake 
Director:  Peter Andrikidis
Infinite Possibilities2; Icarus Obides:
With Harvey gone and the wormhole knowledge coming to him, John creates a "displacement engine" to destroy the advancing dreadgnaught. Furlow kills Jack and steals the device for herself. John chases her and the device is activated. Exposing himself to the extreme radiation he shuts it down and then uses it to collapse the sun and destroy the Scarrans.
Kent McCord:  Jack Crichton 
Magda Szubanski:  Furlow 
Thomas Holesgrove:  Alcar 
Noel Hodda:  Charrid Leader 2 
Writer:  Carleton Eastlake 
Director:  Ian Watson

Revenging Angel:
John "Black T" aboard Moya is knocked out when D'Argo accidentaly slams his head in a hyper rage, thinking John messed with his Luxan ship (Suns and Lovers) that is counting down its self destruct sequence. While D'Argo must find his Qualta after throwing it to deactivate the destruct sequence, John is having his near death experience of D'Argo chasing him for revenge, in cartoon.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool 
Writer:  David Kemper 
Director:  Andrew Prowse

The Choice:
In her mourning Aeryn has come to a planet more up Starks alley where "the dead speak". Xhalax tries to convince Aeryn her father is here. After seeming to succeed Xhalax kills him in front of Aeryn and turns to kill her as well. Stark can hear Zhaan calling to him and decides to remain to try to find out what it is she wants.
Linda Cropper:  Xhalax Sun 
John Gregg:  Talyn Lyczac 
Stephen Shanahan:  Tenek 
Raj Ryan:  Hotel Owner
Writer:  Justin Monjo 
Director:  Rowan Woods

Expecting the return of Talyn, Moya picks up a transport pod that instead contains Peacekeeper prisoners that were being used for a weapons experiment on the pod. There is a traitor among them who has sent out a distress signal to the Peacekeepers and it does not apear to have come from the PK Tech in his cell. Chiana is having preconitions (Losing Time). At last Talyn returns and John learns his other self "Green T" has died and left him a message within Starks mask. Aeryn avoids John and won't speak to him. John decides he must find Scorpius and stop him from being able to use the stolen wormhole knowledge.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool 
Kate Beehan:  Hubero 
Matt Doran:  Markir Tal 
Thomas Holesgrove:  Naj Gil
Writer:  Rockne S. O'Bannon 
Director:  Tony Tilse
I Yensch, You Yensch:
D'Argo and Rygel meet with Scorpius and Braca at a small resteraunt to bargain Johns "assistance" in Scorpys wormhole research. Scorpius brings along a pair of "I-Yensch bracelets to prove Johns safety. D'Argo and Braca are used to demonstrate that when one feels pain or dies so will the other. The establishments cook panics about his "customers" and hires a pair of thugs to burn his place down. Instead they hold Scorpius and the others hostage for their ransomes. In the meantime Talyn has become unstable and destroys a medical ship Jool was going to board when Chiana stopped her, having a precognition (Losing Time), (Fractures) that "someone" was going to die. Talyn shoots Moya and fnally agrees to shut himself down.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool 
David Franklin:  Lt. Braca 
Ben Mendelsohn:  Sko 
Anthony Hayes:  Wa 
Inge Hornstra:  Essk
Salvatore Coco:  Voodi 
Thomas Holesgrove:  Naj Gil 
Writer:  Matt Ford 
Director:  Peter Andrikidis
Into the Lions Den1; Lambs to the Slaughter:
The crew boards Scorpius command carrier. D'Argo recievs the location of Makton (They've Got a Secret) and has the clavical rings removed from his chest.. After all the "warm welcomes" Chiana, Jool and Rygel return to Moya when she is suddenly immobilized.  Commander Grayza recaptures the crew from Scorpius' "leniency". Scorpius lets them go once more but his wavering status among the Peacekeepers becomes aparent. He threaghtens John with the destruction of Earth if he does not work harder while Harvey is trying to keep Johns deception from Scorp.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool 
David Franklin:  Lt. Braca 
Rebecca Riggs:  Commandant Mele-On Grayza 
Danny Adcock:  Co-Kura Strappa 
Sean Taylor:  Lt. Reljik 
Lenore Smith:  Lt. Darinta Larell 
Marta Dusseldorp:  Officer Yal Henta 
Lewis Fitz-Gerald:  Tosko 
Mark Mercedes:  Officer Vonk
Writer:  Richard Manning 
Director:  Ian Watson

Into the Lions Den2;
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing: Crais reveals to Scorpius that John intends to destroy the carrier and the wormhole knowledge with it. John believes Crais has betrayed him but Scorpius is secure now that no plots against him will succeed. Crais has other plans and uses Talyn to starburst inside the carrier while John distracts Scorpius, giving enough time for their PK "comrades" to escape. Strappa puts himself in Scorps Aurora chair to erase his wormhole knowledge.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool 
David Franklin:  Lt. Braca 
Danny Adcock:  Co-Kura Strappa 
Lenore Smith:  Lt. Darinta Larell 
Marta Dusseldorp:  Officer Yal Henta 
Sheridan Rynne:  Brenna 
Terrence Hepburn:  Armak 
Writer:  Rockne S. O'Bannon 
Director:  Rowan Woods

Dog With Two Bones:
Moya has aquired a new crew member, an old woman who blows dust in Johns face to help him "remember" as he daydreams of what it would be like on Earth with the others and Aeryn during thier wedding. Moya has come to a Leviathan burial space to dispose of Talyns remains but another Leviathan refuses to let Moya bury a "Peacekeeper ship" here.  After some deliberations with the crew Moya asks them to help her destroy the other Leviathan. D'Argo oblitherates them with his Luxan ship. Aeryn leaves despite Johns efforts to go with her. While out in his module alone to his thoughts and the possibility Aeryn is pregnant, Moya is sucked down into a wormhole.
Tammy MacIntosh:  Jool 
Kent McCord:  Jack Crichton 
Melissa Jaffer:   The Old Woman (Noranti) 
Writer:   David Kemper 
Director:   Andrew Prowse